Opening this new way to waste time

Ok, finally I have that thing everybody else but me was using, a blog. Basically my idea is to post here about whatever I think is an interesting topic, mostly for some of my friends but sometimes even just for me.

As most of my possible readers speak fluent-enough English and Spanish I will use both languages, mostly based on the topic. For Colombian politics for sure it will be Spanish, for issues in education probably English, it also depends on the mood of the day.

Thanks in advance for reading this, I hope you enjoy reading whatever is written here.

Your opinion, in a polite and if possible well written manner, is always welcome. For that reason the blog has an open link for my e-mail address, and here it is too,

Once again thanks,



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Ser profesor universitario y las “horas de oficina”

Durante una parte considerable de mi vida fui profesor universitario y en poco tiempo, probablemente poco más de un mes, volveré a serlo (espero). Dentro de mi experiencia en esa ocupación, una de las cosas que siempre me ha impactado... Continue →